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Uplifting the Soul towards Inner Alchemy.
Here we will help you with topics such as personal development, emotional development, finding your life purpose, self-healing. Develop and access your spirituality here and now, reframing, transmuting, requalifying and sustaining your inner child, true essence.
Aqui te auxiliaremos com temas como desenvolvimento pessoal, desenvolvimento emocional, encontrar seu propósito de vida, auto cura. Desenvolver e acessar sua espiritualidade aqui e agora resignificando, transmutando requalificando e sustentando a sua verdadeira essência.
About Me
Hi, I’m Ana Leticia Urbanin a Holistic Psychologist and Psychotherapist based in Florida.
I help you align and rescue your divine essence. Aligning and reframing the psyche, through self-healing, emotional development and life organization.
Everything about evolving and expanding the consciousness.
Energy Healing
Neuro-Linguistic Programming NLP
Shadow Working
Divine Balance and Integration -The Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine
"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."
-C.G. Jung
Energy Healing
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Shadow Working
Divine Balance and Integration
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